Monday, September 17, 2007

Looking for more?

Everybody seems to be looking for more... no matter how much they already have. By this I don't only refer to material possessions but seeking the thrill, the adventure, the recognition, the fame... We all "need" more, a constant craving driving us. We search for it in various ways, relationships (or lack thereof), achievements in careers, reputations amongst our peers, chasing dreams that don't matter as much as our ultimate purpose does. Why do we never seem to reach what we're chasing? Why do other's lives always measure up "better" than our own?

Firstly, comparing our lives to others is never going to satisfy our lust for more unless we learn to compare with those who have less than we do rather than those whose lives (or aspects of) we envy and covet. Those we're comparing ourselves to, are ironically comparing their lives with our own too because they're not satisfied either and you can be assured that there are aspects of your life that they would rather have than their own too! It's time that we realise that we all occupy a unique niche', we all have a purpose to fulfil. When we read Ecclesiastes we see how this wise old man considered this late in his life too and he concludes throughout that we will not find it in money, we will not find it in relationships (no matter how intimate), we will not find it in sexual pleasures, not in entertainment or in any measure of recognition or fame or in any of our own accomplishments. No doubt these may bring some temporary measure of satisfaction and even happiness but it's not going to last. Until we find our satisfaction in our source of life and purpose, we will be "chasing after the wind".

It is only through a living saviour, through pure grace and forgiveness of this selfish searching, through Jesus Christ that we will begin to find some sort of lasting fulfilment within all of those secondary attempts at finding true happiness. We are loved, we are significantly important, we do have purpose in this life and a hope to live with every day, we need no more!!

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

What makes you angry?

"Find somebody who is depressed, tired, exhausted; you get them angry and it's like rocket fuel. I mean, it is unbelievable energy and stimulus. There is power within us when we're angry that can frighten us." - Rob Bell

For those of you who have become familiar with Nooma short films presented by Rob Bell, you will know how powerful his messages are. They'd be impressive standing on their own let alone accompanied by the powerful imagery that has become so recognizable within Nooma films. Today, totally out of impulse I bought another one, called "Store". Why I picked "Store" out of 17 other titles is beyond me, but obviously not beyond the Spirit guiding me because I've just watched it and as I did, I felt like Rob Bell was speaking directly to me, like his eyes were penetrating my mind from inside the television.

"Store" deals with people's anger, the unnecessary anger that people carry around with them every day, the anger that causes a man to tailgate us on the highway, that causes arguments in parking lots and that causes people to launch attacks on unsuspecting family members just because they're the closest target. It speaks of what powerful energy anger is and the power with which it yields control over us so that we begin not to like ourselves. It addresses another angle on anger too, a passion that is fuelled, a proactive response to anger, harnessing the energy to make a difference in this world.

Recently I've been experiencing both of these responses to anger. Knowing myself to be a "chilled out" individual who is not phased out by much in this life, I find it difficult to deal with those feelings of irritation and anger when they do surface and I begin to dislike the person I am becoming inside. I have been questioning the source of this anger and asking myself if I am justified in feeling this way? What Rob Bell has taught me though is how important our outward response is to this powerful emotion. Are we going to allow this potential explosion within us fuel a negative or a positive expression? If we know within our hearts that our response has been one that has been acted out of integrity, out of love for those looked down upon, out of a passion for protecting God's creation, we need not feel guilty for feeling and acting upon those feelings, were they not after all given to us by the creator of all things in the first place. As Rob Bell says, "We need to listen to our anger because God may be using it to get our attention".

The question is, "Why am I angered? because that anger is going to lead somewhere." We live in a world where people get angry about things that DO NOT matter, while at the same time people don’t get angry about things that DO matter. It's all about the selfish attitude, "how does this affect me?" We should rather be asking, "What is it that affects others?" There are things worth getting angry about, the injustice in this world, the way people are treated unfairly because of their social status, the way the environment is destroyed for selfish gain because it has no voice. There are a multitude of good reasons to be angry, reasons worth making a noise over.

Rob Bell ends off by saying "May you become aware of your anger. May you learn to channel it, to focus it, direct it into something beautiful. And may it fuel sacred acts of healing and restoration". I don't know about you, but the reason I share this with you is because it is a challenge to each one of us to use something so powerful that is in every one of us to make a difference in the right direction...

What makes you angry? What fuels your passion? What are YOU going to do about it? Does your anger make the world a better place?

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I've found the pot of gold

My apologies, it's been an entire month since I last posted anything. A clear indication however of how busy I've managed to find myself again. For the third year in a row, I have to admit that I landed my proverbial butt in the butter for my birthday. Two years ago, it was in Lower Zambezi at Chongwe River camp, last year at Vuyatela in Djuma game reserve and this year I was privileged to be staying at Lion Sands River Camp on my birthday. The experience was truly a personal one... the staff sang to me at dinner time, brought me an enormous chocolate cake and stencilled out "Happy Birthday Paul" in green twigs on my bed. As if that wasn't all enough, they included a pair of binoculars as a gift on my bed... at this point I feel it is only fitting to give Lion Sands a little bit of a punt.

This was not the pot of gold however... A few weeks later having travelled to Cape Town for a week already, an assignment took me off to Zambia, truly one of the most exquisite countries on this continent. We spent four days in and around Lusaka, an experience in itself as previously I've only really driven through this buzzing city. Apart from typical African Beaurocracy, it proved to be an okay city (as African cities go) & our presenter, Chilu managed to "paint it red" one night as we hopped from one nightspot to the next. It was our next port of call however that impressed on me the most in the past month.

Livingstone, or more simply... Vic Falls, is a destination that I would encourage everyone of you to visit at least once in your life. Despite the fact that it was my second visit, the place still impacted on me. We stayed in Songwe Village, a cultural experience without the exception of luxury. Once again (it seems to be becoming a habit) I found myself dancing to a drumbeat around a fire with local inhabitants. This time even wearing a "Chitenga", their traditional cloth that they sling over their shoulder. It never ceases to amaze me what liberty it is to let all inhibition go and to just go ahead and "dance like nobody is watching". (In Chilu's case however, all "Africa Within" viewers will get a glimpse into his evening).

The true pot of gold however, was found at Vic Falls itself. The spectacle, the thunder, the wet spray in your hair, the sheer vastness are reason enough to go back, and so we did... Having visited it once already to get some links with our presenter, we decided to go back late one afternoon to capture some more magic... and magic it was! They speak of the "pot of gold" at the end of a rainbow, I found that pot of gold. I struggled at first mind you because finding the end of a rainbow that completes a full circle is quite a challenge. After a few moments however, I realised that with the sun towards your back, the mighty Vic Falls below you and the "smoke that thunders" surrounding you, when you're truly getting soaked, the rainbow is the most intense rainbow you can imagine. Every colour is distinctly visible and the rainbow ascends out of the gorge, into the sky and arks all the way over the ridge, plunging into the surrounding rainforest. Spectacular!! For others standing a little way off, provided I was deep in the spray, it would appear that I was standing in the rainbow and let me tell you, I found the pot of gold! More valuable than any tangible amount of money or possessions was that sense of hope, of exhilaration, of Joy and of the presence of our creator and a realisation that we exist only to give glory!!

To get just a sense of this place (and other magnificent places), watch Africa Within on Friday's at 18:00 on SABC Africa Channel 53.