Monday, March 19, 2012

Inspiration & a whole lot of faith

I've been inspired!! Or have I simply had a revelation? Either way, it's a great thing because I have learnt something today. Inspiration cannot be created, we're either inspired or we're not. The freedom in my revelation today is that I no longer have to feel "uninspired" when I have little inspiration, if that makes any sense at all. I simply wait until I am inspired again and don't try to force anything.

Of course, there are those environments, people, places and songs that "inspire" me and I am aware of that and should as a result be placing myself within those environments and amongst those people but at the end of the day inspiration is something I don't have too much control over.

This is why I believe that inspiration and faith go hand in hand. By definition, "Faith is being sure of what we hope for and being certain of what we do not see" Hebrews 11:1 I have Faith because I recognise my lack of control on this planet we call home. Inspiration is naturally one of those things most people hope for and most definitely something we cannot see, and so, our hope for inspiration is dependent on God from where all inspiration flows. From natural beauty, to kind people, beautiful art to soulful music, it is from God that all these things originated and so it follows naturally, that when we are inspired, we give glory to God. Call it Worship if you will.

I'd like to take this one step further, in Ecclesiastes we understand that our purpose in this life is to bring glory to our Lord and Saviour and obey His commandments. If "being inspired" is brining glory to God, it follows that, that which inspires us is that which gives us purpose. If something inspires us, we should therefore pursue it with unwavering passion. We plead of the Lord incessantly to show us what our purpose in life is, we seek our purpose and we even go so far as to conjure up our purpose to feel the sense of "purpose" when the simple truth is, "wait to be inspired" and then, grab whatever it is that has inspired you with both hands and allow the inspiration to drive you to do things you never thought possible.

Part of my revelation today was brought on by a TED talk by author of "Eat, Pray, Love", Elizabeth Gilbert. I have not read the book, I have not watched the movie and I do not know what it is about and therefore offer no commentary on the movie (because I know that some Christ followers have a fairly opinionated view of the movie). I also, do not subscribe to a pluralistic society and categorically state that I believe the one and only living God is Jesus Christ. However, I do urge "creative minds" out there to watch her presentation on TED simply because I believe many of us have fallen into that trap of believing that our best is past and not that our best is still to come. We live in perpetual fear of not making as much of our lives as we have already made. Many of us live in constant pursuit of "our purpose", seeking that inspiration and I believe that Gilbert's simple philosophy, "For just having the sheer human love and stubbornness to keep showing up" is how many of us will eventually attain those dreams we dream and finding the purpose we have been searching for.

If you know your work is your work but have not yet recognized exactly why, motivated by love for those around you on a day to day basis and by sheer tenacity, continue doing what you're doing, keep "showing up", be open to new experiences and new people, travel to new places and never say no to the opportunity to serve and you will be inspired and you will "find" purpose.

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