Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Kids = Energy!!

Last week I had the privilege of once again, for possibly the 17th time in my life, participating in the Waterkloof Baptist Holiday Club. My name for the week... Capt. Jack Sparrow, original I know, but the kids caught on quickly and I was a good pirate at that!
There is too much to relate in terms of what a learning and growth experience it was again, even after all these years. One thing for sure though, kids energise us. They are not what sap our energy but they are the source of our energy. I felt more alive after dancing around a stage, jumping up and down like a hooligan, and generally acting like a twelve year old again than I have felt in a long time, and as most of you know, that is very much alive!! There should be a time in all of our lives where we find the child in ourselves again, no matter how professional the profile you hold in "the real world", no matter how adult you feel, no matter what responsibility you carry, no matter how brittle your bones, there is a child in each of us and re-discovering it is the most liberating experience of all!
Something else I learnt is that service is not something we choose, it is not optional, that is if you're living the life Christ created you to live. We were beings created in his image, created to serve! Unless we are serving others in this life, we are not going to be fulfilled. So, if you're feeling empty, low or purposeless, serve, serve, serve!! It'll change your life!! Christ said, "I did not come to be served but to serve", too many of us say "I am here to be served...” What can I say to that?? Your loss! Remember, "Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for Me." Matt 25:40
God Bless you all as you find the inner child within you and are energized by it, and as you continue to serve wherever you see opportunity!

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